Android/Kotlin development

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Technologies I am following

Kotlin, Android, Jetpack Compose

Current project

Flagorama (reforged) - an Android app to display flags of the world (uses restcountries server). Used as a playground to experiment with Kotlin, Jetpack and other Android technologies.

Other projects (Google Play Store only)

Sudoku - the classical game

Junior Sudoku - a version of Sudoku for the children

Wizard of Ohm - a tool for electronic enthusiasts to read the resistor color codes

See all those apps on the Google Play Store.

Older projects (no more maintained)

Flagorama - a previous version of Flagorama.

Ten Jokes - an Android app displaying random jokes from official-joke-api.

Acronym finder - an Android app to look up for meanings of acronyms (uses the Silmaril acronym server)

SensorMania - an Android app to discover the sensors you have on your device.